
WARNING - some posts may contain graphic pictures.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 1

9:00 AM - The horror begins as I arrive at the barn for morning feeding and find my gelding standing on three legs with this horrific injury.  Somehow he has done this to himself while spending the night in his nice safe padded deeply bedded stall.

11:00 AM - Vet finally arrives... Jack has opened up a large gaping wound that exposes both the bone and his hock joint.  The long digital extensor tendon is completely severed and the wound cannot be closed.  The vet injects antibiotics into the joint to see what the communication with the wound is like and we wait holding out breath for the fluid to leak back out which would have resulted in immediate euthanazia.  Thankfully someone was watching out for Jack up above and his condition was upgraded from grave to poor when the fluid stayed in place.  All the dead or dieing tissue was cut away and the leg was bandages from hock to hoof to start the healing process.

Graphic Images to Follow.

The scene that awaited me at 9am:

After the vet cleaned it up:

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